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Executive Board

Alison Mrohs
Henniker House Bed & Breakfast
Alison has been part of the Chamber since 2017.

Erika Sheppard
Davis & Towle
Erika has been part of the Chamber since 2012.
At Large Board Members

Marc Murphy
White Birch Community Center
Marc has been part of the Chamber since 2012.

Scott Dias
Dias Custom Building
Scott has been part of the Chamber since 2015.

Darrin Black
Stonefalls Gardens
Darrin has been part of the Chamber since 2012.

Lori Rowell
Pats Peak Ski Area
Lori has been part of the Chamber since 2010.

Brianna Douglas
Bar Harbor Bank
Shelley has been part of the Chamber since 2022.

Lacey Brown
Henniker Book Farm
Lacey has been part of the Chamber since 2024.

Ryan Hall
Duston Country Club
Ryan has been part of the Chamber since 2023.
Member at Large
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